Lunny Bear

Age: Baby
Breed: Retriever, Black Labrador
Gender: Female

Meet Lunny Bear!

Meet Lunny Bear, a bundle of energy and affection. This playful pup is a true delight, with a high activity level that matches her boundless enthusiasm for life. Lunny Bear is crate-trained and has quickly shown herself to be a loving companion. She thrives in an environment where she can run and play, ideally with a yard to call her own. Lunny Bear adores chasing balls of all shapes and sizes and loves milk bones. Her love language? She’s a true gift giver, bringing you treats, toys, and even the occasional sock to show her appreciation. Despite her high energy, she has a soft spot for cuddles and loves to snuggle up on the bed at night. If you’re looking for a loving, active, and playful addition to your family, Lunny Bear is ready to bring joy and companionship into your life.

All Dallas Pets Alive adoptable pets are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and up to date on
vaccines upon adoption. The standard minimum donation for dogs over six months to seven years is $200, puppies under six months is $250, dogs eight years and over are $100 unless specified otherwise. You can view all adoptable pets and fill out an adoption application online on our website at . For more information, you can email

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