“Why I’m a Foster Mother,” by guest blogger Brittney Clay
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to bring in a dog just to say goodbye?
When I talk about fostering with people the number one question I get is, “How can you bring a dog home, get attached, and then give it up?” The reason I can do this is because I’ve been to the shelter; I’ve looked into the eyes of so many dogs on their last days, and I know that when I bring home just one dog it leaves resources for the shelter to keep another dog alive one more day, giving them one more chance to find a forever home.

Is this the only reason we foster? Nope, one perk of fostering is that I get to experience the love and appreciation of a shelter dog without the financial commitment they bring along!
Did you know Dallas Pets Alive! provides all health care for foster dogs in their program? It includes spay/neuter, vaccinations, heartworm prevention, and any other healthcare costs a dog may incur. Vacation “boarding” costs are also covered through other foster and temporary foster homes, so we don’t have to worry about travel plans.

Fostering provides friendship and fun for me and my family. I have a typically busy schedule, but weekends are a great time to unwind. Every weekend DPA! hosts events in different parts of the Metroplex. There are events for any type of personality, but I think my favorites vary between Klyde Warren Park and Community Beer Company.
I love getting to spend the day out with a fun group of people while talking to others about the dog you’ve had in your home, the dog who was on his last week but now is house trained, crate trained, and sometimes even knows some tricks!
There is that final goodbye. When I first meet a family who may take in this dog as a forever home, I love seeing the anticipation in their eyes and the excitement they have in adding to their family.
Seeing that, I know I can let go, and I’ve prepared this dog to be a forever dog by spending time loving him and working through the “quirks” that may have put him in a shelter in the first place. The love in the final goodbye always drives me straight back to the shelter to save just one more.
[Want to apply to be a foster parent? Find out more and fill out the online application HERE.]

Brittney Clay is a wife and mother of three with another on the way. She and her family have fostered eight dogs for Dallas Pets Alive!… so far!