End-of-Summer: TIPS from the HSUS

Protecting Your Pets from the Heat

The American Red Cross encourages pet owners to learn how to prevent and treat heat stroke in dogs, especially during the warmer months.

Heat stroke (hyperthermia) happens when a dog severely overheats – most commonly when the weather turns warm. The good news is if the heat stroke hasn’t advanced too far (body temperature above 104° F), you can help your dog recover.

Does your pup have a short snout like Bulldogs, bulldogfacePugs, and Pekinese do? They could be more at risk for heat stroke.

Other common causes of heat stroke include: a previous episode of heat stroke, leaving a dog in a parked car, excessive exercise in hot, humid weather (this may be exercise your dog can usually handle, but not in hot weather), lack of appropriate shelter outdoors, thicker-coated dogs in hot weather and underlying disease such as upper airway, heart of lung disease.

TIPS from The Humane Society of the United States:

NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN THE CAR: It can’t be said often enough.
In nice weather, you might be tempted to take your pet with you in the car while you travel or do errands. But even during just warm (much less, hot!) weather, the inside of your car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes, even if you’re parked in the shade. This can mean real trouble for your companion animals left in the car.

1-Puppy-Drinking-Water-From-A-Bo-20114402-bsIF YOU SEE a pet alone in a car during hot weather, alert the management of the store where the car is parked. If the owner does not return promptly, call 311 or 911 fast.

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke include collapse, body temperature 104° F or above, bloody diarrhea or vomit, depression stupor, seizures or coma, excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, salivation.

–Get your dog out of direct heat!
–Check for shock
–Take your dog’s temperature
–Spray your dog with cool water then retake temperature
–Place water–soaked towels on the dog’s head, neck feet, chest, and abdomen, turn on a fan and point it in your dog’s direction, rub Isopropyl Alcohol (70%) on the dog’s foot pads to help cool him 9but don’t use large quantities as it can be toxic if ingested)
–Take your dog to the nearest vet hospitalheat-stroke-dog

During a heat crisis, the goal is to bring the dog’s body temp to 103° F in the first 10-15 minutes. Once 103° F is reached, stop the cooling process because the body temperature will continue to decrease and can plummet dangerously low if you continue to cool the dog for too long.

ALSO: Even if you successfully cool your pet down to 103° F in the first 10-15 minutes, you must take the dog to a vet as soon as possible – because the effects of heat stroke will not show up for hours or even days. Potential problems include abnormal heart rhythms, kidney failure, neurological problems, and respiratory arrest.

Tips taken from the American Red Cross. For more pet safety, visit:

Keeping Our Pets Happy and Healthy


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