“Myriam Hunter has been one of our most stellar and responsible volunteers for the PASS program since its inception. We count on her to not only be a wealth of knowledge and resources for citizens at our PASS table but also helping to train other volunteers on the program. Her dedication for PASS is a shining example for all our volunteers. PASS would not be the same without Myriam and it’s because of her hard work and commitment, many animals have been able to stay in their homes and out of the shelter.” – Leslie Sans, Executive Director for Dallas Pets Alive!
This is why Myriam is our Pawesome Person Spotlight for October!
What is your current role?
I mostly volunteer with the PASS program; It’s a great opportunity for me because it allows me to help several animals on a weekly basis without taking them home with me. My husband and I are currently at our limit with pets. I am also a Temp foster through DPA! I have an opportunity to meet foster dogs and people and help them out when they are going out of town. I had several dogs spend the weekend. Most recently I had Daisy, the sweetest 11-week-old puppy. It was great to be able to spend time and see all her puppy energy running around the yard. But needless to say, it also made me appreciate my senior dogs even more.
How did you get involved with volunteering at DPA!?
In the past, I had fostered and most recently I was transporting dogs from shelters to their rescues. I follow several rescues on Facebook and I came across the post about the new program PASS with DPA! It sounded great to me because of my schedule I am available on weekends and it involved working with the community. What I also liked about the program is that it allowed me to step out of my box and approach complete strangers.
What are you most passionate about at DPA!?
The overall vision that DPA! has about working to make Dallas Animal Shelter (DAS) a no-kill shelter. I am passionate about rescuing animals but I believe the permanent solution is to solve the root cause. There are several pet owners who cannot afford the additional medical or training services a pet may need and look towards DAS for help. That is where we come in; we are the front line and provide owner surrenders options they would normally not be aware existed let alone have access to.
What are some words of wisdom to new DPA! Volunteers?
Do not get discouraged with the PASS program; there are times when you see the worst pet owners imaginable; uncaring individuals but do not allow this to stop you from continuing your work. You have the opportunity to see the best as well and the most compassionate people just like yourself out there trying to make a difference for their own pets or strays. You are the person that will help the owner keep their pet or the surrendered dog get adopted because of the information you help gather. I would like to challenge all volunteers to sign up for a shift with the PASS program.
Give us a fun fact about you!
I installed security cameras in my home to see what my dogs do while I am away. Apparently she doesn’t do much but lay on the couch…lol

Be like Myriam:
Sign up to volunteer with Dallas Pets Alive!