The 2023 DPA Soirée tickets are on sale, NOW!
Join us again on Friday, November 3, 2023, as we celebrate Dallas Pets Alive and the wonderful people, partners, and animals who make miracles possible every day. You won’t want to miss In10City, everyone’s favorite band! And there will be other exciting entertainment, delectable food and drink, fabulous auctions, gratitude, and heart-warming stories, all at our beautiful new venue, The Hall on Dragon in Downtown Dallas.
The DPA Soirée
Friday, November 3, 2023
The Hall on Dragon
1500 Dragon Street, Dallas, Texas

I can’t wait to see you on November 3rd to party for our furry friends!

The DPA Soirée is a great way to garner visibility for your business or organization. It’s more than advertising, it’s more than corporate social responsibility, it’s connecting to your customers, your employees, and your community. It’s also an amazing way to reach generous, influential individuals motivated to learn more about your business.
Contact to learn more about sponsorship.
If you would like to donate an item or experience toward the success of our silent and live auctions, contact