A lot of what goes into rescue happens behind the scenes, and the time and dedication that our foster team puts in does not go unnoticed! This month’s leadership spotlight honoree is Danica Butler, DPA’s Canine Assistant Foster Director. Danica works hand-in-hand with the families that foster dogs with our organization, making sure they have a strong support system and resources when needed.
Hardly anyone says fostering is easy, but nearly everyone says it’s a rewarding, life-changing experience knowing you’re saving the life of a homeless pet, and it couldn’t be done without the contribution of people like Danica. Learn more about her below!
1.) What does your role within DPA involve? What do you oversee within the organization?
My role with DPA is to work directly with the foster families and assist with behavioral issues, offer advice and ensure they feel supported.
2.) What is your professional background?
I am a calligrapher and illustrator. I have a wedding invitation company and teach calligraphy classes in Plano.
3.) How long have you been involved with the organization?
Going on two years! Time flies when you’re having fun 🙂
4.) What drives you to dedicate your time to DPA?
Definitely the community!! I adore the foster team-Jessica, Stefanie and Lori are amazing humans that I am proud to call friends. Knowing we are slowly, but surely, making a difference for Dallas animals with each and every animal that gets out of the shelter and into a loving foster home.
5.) Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
Power tools are my happy place!