Keep Your Pooch Safe on July 4

Keep Your Dogs Safe This July 4

Whether your pets go running for cover at the first sound of fireworks or don’t seem bothered by them at all, it’s important to plan for them this Independence Day. Dallas Pets Alive! wants you and your furbabies to stay safe on July 4. Consider the following tips:

Check their IDs

More pets run away around the Fourth of July than any other time of year. The boom of fireworks can cause many animals to go into “fight or flight” mode and flee seeking a safe haven. Prepare for the worst-case scenario by making sure your pets are wearing up-to-date identification and are properly microchipped.

Do Your Research

Make sure you know when your local firework events are being held, so you can keep an eye on your furbabies. In addition, take note if you live in an area where people can pop fireworks at home. Have someone stay home with your pooches if you can’t – to monitor their behavior and give you updates on how they’re doing.

Stay Indoors

Maybe you think Fido will look so cute in his Fourth of July outfit at the fireworks display, but if you know fireworks will be involved in or near the celebration, it’s best to leave him at home. Fireworks cause different reactions from canines than the sounds of thunder, so even if you think he’ll be okay, he may not be. Please reconsider – Fireworks are much more abrupt, and the bright explosion and smoky smell that accompany them can cause dogs to panic. Trust us, Fido will be much happier at home.

Create a Barrier Between Your Pup and Exits

If you can shut doors that lead to the entrances of your home, do so. If not, you will want to make it difficult for Bingo to run out the door if people are going to come in and out of the house during prime fireworks time. This is to protect him from getting out if he gets scared. Fireworks shows can often last a while, so it may make your buddy run even farther from home once he’s out.

Are your pets the type that go berserk at the first sound of fireworks and don’t calm down for hours? Here are some things you can do to keep them calm.

  • Tire Them Out. Exercise and play with your pets early in the day so that they’ll be more tired by nighttime.
  • Keep Your Pet Company. Nothing is more reassuring to your furbaby than your calm presence.
  • Play Music. Have a playlist of soothing music to queue up for your pet if they start to panic. You could also try turning your television on to mask the sound of the fireworks.
  • Give Them Calming Treats. Many treat brands have come out with treats that have calming effects. You can also try ThunderShirt for dogs and cats, which reduces anxiety by creating gentle pressure on your animal’s torso.

DPA! wants you and your pooch to enjoy America’s birthday next week. Just remember, if there will be a boom keep Spot in a room.

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