Happy Pawlidays!
Dallas Pets Alive! has seen such wonderful growth this year – we launched our very own Adoption Center campaign and witnessed countless joyful stories of rescue and adoption. Our hearts are full this holiday season knowing that over 800 families have new furry family members, and over 1200 animals were saved because of our life-saving volunteers, donors, adopters and fosters just like you.
One of our favorite stories this year is of a beautiful Great Pyr, Shelby. Shelby came into DAS through our Positive Alternatives to Shelter Surrender (PASS) program. We learned from her owners that they wanted to drop her off at the shelter and request euthanasia indicating she may have been hit with a rock and unable to care or afford medical treatment.
Our PASS volunteers were able to jump in and give her some extra time to find a foster – we knew she just needed some extra TLC. A wonderful foster stepped up and provided that extra TLC she needed through heart-worm treatment and healing her eye. She has found her forever home already and is one of the best transformation stories of 2017. Shelby is a shining example of our PASS program and foster program working hand in hand to save lives.

Our rescue and adoption numbers continue to increase every year, however, 2017 was particularly successful. Our goal was to rescue 750 animals this year, but because of your help, we have saved over 1200 animals! It takes a substantial amount of funding to medically treat animals like Shelby. Already this year we have spent almost $300,000 on medical expenses alone. We need your help this holiday season to continue to save the most needy of companion animals right here in Dallas!
Our goal during December is to raise an additional $20,000 to cover the increase in our medical needs due to the large number of animals we were able to save this year. Please consider helping us continue to save pets like Shelby by:
- Learning more about our grand vision to Reimagine Rescue by contributing to our capital campaign for our very own Adoption Center
- Setting up a one-time or reoccurring donation to DPA!, just in time for end of year tax deductions
- Setting up an online fundraiser on Facebook for your family and friends to support DPA! this season
From all of us at Dallas Pets Alive!, we want to wish your family, both furry and not so furry, the most joyful season possible. Thank you for helping us to create joy in the lives of our rescue animals.
We could not achieve our mission without you!
Leslie Sans