“I am so excited to recognize PK and Sneha as Fosters of the Month! PK and Sneha joined the DPA foster team last year, and they dove in feet first! PK and Sneha are incredibly passionate and ready to help any dog in need, but they are also knowledgeable and responsible. It can be really difficult to say “no” to a dog that is in need but might not be a good fit for your family or lifestyle. I really respect that PK and Sneha take time to visit the shelter to meet and spend a little time with the dogs in need so that they can find a foster that truly works for their home.
PK and Sneha have also overcome some really challenging obstacles. The rescue world is often full of the unexpected, and PK and Sneha have embraced this fact with many of their fosters. They took in two emotionally shut down, bonded sisters, Pearl and Lulu last year. Sadly, Pearl came down with distemper. PK and Sneha took her to many vet visits, transferring her back and forth from the ER to our regular clinic, visiting her, and bringing her comfort while she was hospitalized. Sadly, Pearl did not make it. Lulu is still thriving and looking for her forever home!
Even after the loss of Pearl, PK, and Sneha wanted to open their hearts and homes to another dog in need. They are currently fostering Robin, a friendly, happy-go-lucky but incontinent lab who hobbles and limps due to an old and significant spinal injury. They have been absolutely amazing, again embracing the unexpected obstacles with a desire to not just learn as much as they can, but to put their love into action to help Robin adjust to his lifestyle and his special medical needs.
Their big hearts don’t stop there. PK and Sneha actively look for additional ways to help the DPA foster community by assisting with transports for other animals or providing temporary fostering while other fosters are out of town. They are a true example of what the DPA foster community is all about and are so deserving of our Foster of the Month award!” – Allison B. DPA!’s Medical Director
How did you get involved with Fostering with DPA!?
Our friend’s dog “Pluto” was a house guest with us for a few months and we absolutely fell in love with him. Both PK and I were disappointed when he left and our house was not the same anymore. That’s when we researched for foster opportunities. DPA! was one of my applications along with other rescues and was the only agency that responded back within a few hours. My interview with Jenay was so candid and right there I knew I wanted to foster with DPA! We started fostering in September 2018 and it has been an amazing journey so far!
Tell us about a few of your fosters.
In our 6 months of our foster journey, we had the pleasure to be with 4 different fosters. Starting with the first one and our very special one “Bruno”. Bruno was 6 months old when we got him and this cutie was nothing but snuggles, playful, chirpy, and a perfect example of a 50-pound puppy. After he was adopted our next foster(s) were a bonded pair of sisters “Pearl and Lulu”. These 2 angels were owner surrendered and were on the verge of euthanasia because of their medical condition and scared behavior. From never being fosters to fostering Bruno to fostering Pearl and Lulu was where we decided to raise our stakes and take up the challenge. But to be honest, these 2 babies were the easiest fosters. They were off crate from day one, very calm, and just needed love! Pearl was more social of the two. She became very sick and was diagnosed with “distemper”. Even in her last few days, she would perk up seeing us at the hospital even though she had no energy left. Lulu, being scared of humans at first, was challenging to get her out of her shell, and in the interest of her we transferred her to another amazing DPA! foster family (with resident dogs) where she is learning and making progress on how to be a dog! Now, it was time to save another furry baby and here enters “Robin“. We have no words to describe this little dude. Robin was brought to the shelter as a stray with very old pelvic injuries making him pee and poop incontinent but that doesn’t stop him from running, jumping and just being happy! You can learn how to be a fighter from Robin. All this little handsome dude wants is snuggles and love. He is such a goofball and can teach one what unconditional love is! As much as we know the challenges of Robin are, we are here for him and hope his forever family finds him soon. (Learn more about Robin HERE.)
What is your favorite animal adoption story?
We can’t be happy enough to see how much Bruno is loved and spoiled in his forever family. His adoption makes me believe that every furry animal’s right family is out there and it’s all about timing. In the span of a few months we had him, Bruno had 3 adoption applications, 2 out of the 3 we were bummed neither of them worked out, but when I spoke to his 3rd applicant – just a 30 minutes of phone conversation convinced me this is the family for him. His meet and greet was with 3 kids and Bruno was such a perfect fit at their house. It was bittersweet to let him go but when we were confident this was the family for him–We were just happy that we saved him and gave him a happy life.
What do you love most about fostering with Dallas Pets Alive!?
DPA! has such a great foster support community. No matter the challenge, we have an amazing group of people always willing to help in any shape or form. Fostering gives us so much happiness to see just by giving food, shelter, and love makes an immense difference in their lives. Every freedom ride video reminds us why we wanted to foster in the first place. Thanks to DPA! for supporting us and always being there.
What would be some words of wisdom to new DPA! Fosters?
Always think about which foster would be a good fit for your current situation/lifestyle. Owner surrender notes can be very subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt. Always remember how happy your foster will be with their forever family when it makes you sad to let them go!
Give us a fun fact about you!
PK and I love to travel the world and we also love playing Poker!!
Be Pawsome like Sneha and PK.
Apply to be a Dallas Pets Alive! foster today!