DPA!’s Pawesome Person: February Foster Spotlight

Ashley is such a special foster mama! She has a huge heart for senior or special needs dogs who are down on their luck and have found themselves at the shelter. She gives them all she has for as long as they need to find a new home! Ashley is also one of our hospice fosters to Louie, who just celebrated his 96th (98th**) birthday with their family! She does whatever it takes for these dogs to be happy and as healthy as possible, and we can’t thank her enough for opening her heart to such special pups! This is why Ashely Bonnin Igo is one of Dallas Pet’s Alive!’s PAWesome People!

How did you get involved with Fostering with DPA!?

I first saw DPA! on Facebook. My husband and I already had our first rescue pup, and I thought it would be fun to foster another dog to keep her company. When I saw a foster plea for “Winnie,” I immediately jumped at the opportunity. We picked her up from the shelter, had her for 2 days, and decided to keep her- she and Rosie have been besties ever since.

ashley picking up foster
Ashley leaving the shelter with Winnie in October 2013.

Tell us about a few of your fosters.

Louie is definitely the most miraculous of them all I picked him up from DAS in November 2015, thinking he only had a week or so to live, he was in such bad shape. He’s battled countless health hiccups but is still going strong. His nickname is “Lazarus”. Lacey was another memorable one- she was a 9-year-old cocker spaniel who had cancer (among other things). Mazie’s was able to remove all of her tumors and she lived over a year with an amazing furever family. She passed away last summer because of a pancreatic tumor, but she had the happiest last year ever! Two of my fosters, Tucker and Millie, now live with my mother-in-law, so we get to see them all the time. Tucker is totally blind and Millie has one eye–they live their lives in Becky’s lap listening to Ellen and Days of Our Lives every day!

What is your favorite animal adoption story?

The most recent one, Trudy, who we had for one week, just got adopted by the most precious family ever. They had been looking for months for the perfect dog for their family. When we went to their house for a meet and greet, the mom was almost in tears, hugging her husband she was so happy. Trudy and their 4-year-old daughter trotted through the house together, and we were all sold! She’s settling in well- I get daily text updates.

What do you love most about fostering with Dallas Pets Alive!?

When I go to the shelter to get a new foster, it’s like Christmas morning! It’s one of the most fulfilling feelings to walk (or carry) a dog out of the shelter doors. You’re literally saving a LIFE! The feeling never gets old.

Give us a fun fact about you!

I recently graduated from SMU with a master’s in counseling- my hope is to be a play therapist, integrating rescue dogs into animal-assisted therapy 🙂

Be like Ashley:

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