Dallas Pets Alive! Tweens & Teenagers

“Everybody loves a baby!” It’s a commonly used phrase when a family welcomes a new addition, but the same holds true when it comes to pets, especially for ones that are in need of forever homes. While kittens and puppies are oh, so adorable, there are many benefits to adopting a slightly more mature, but still young, pet.

Introducing the Dallas Pets Alive! tweens and teenagers! For those  not familiar with the term “tween” or “tweenagers” it’s the human age of 10-12, before reaching the fun age of 13! They’re still “babies” at heart, but older and not as needy as the youngsters.

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Cubby is one of our longest stay cats with DPA, and we’re not sure why!



If you’d like to adopt fill out an application today at bit.ly/adoptfromdpa

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