Community Wellness Event Keeping Pets In Homes and Out Of The Shelter

In 2022, DPA! teamed up with CUDDLY to host a wellness event for the residents of the city of Dallas. We brought several organizations into the collaborations, including Spay Neuter Network, Dallas Animal Services, Dogs Matter, Operation Kindness, SPCA, GoodPup, to offer free pet food, vaccines, and resources to the community.

Many pet owners do not know what resources are available to help with their pets. The goal of these events is to start building relationships with the community so that they know where to go for help before they get to the point of surrender.

As volunteers arrive before sunrise the morning of the event to set up, a lines of cars have already been formed. Pet families make their way to the event early to ensure their pets get what they need. By mid-morning, the line of cars stretches more than a mile down the road, and even when the wait for food and vaccines could last more than an hour, car after car flags volunteers down just to say thank you – and show off some of the cutest pets we’ve ever seen.

This year alone, the event has provided more than 30,000 pounds of food and almost 2,700 pets received free vaccines and microchips!

A single bag of food can help keep a pet in their home for another month and can give a family the lifeline they so desperately need. You can be the difference a pet family needs by joining the CUDDLY Full Bowls Club.

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