Tales for Tails- How Reading to Dogs Can Actually Make Your Kid Smarter

reading to dogs

Reading to dogs is a fun and worthwhile activity to do with your child and it is also great for the dog. If you are looking for something different that is also educational, but might not seem like it, why not sign up for one of DPA’s monthly Kiddos Reading to Foster Pups events at the Adoption Container at CBC? The benefits for your child and the foster pup are seemingly endless. 

And the more immediate benefit, and no less important one, is for the moms and dads. While at CBC, you and your family can stay for dinner. Who doesn’t love an easy no-cook weekday?

If you or someone you know would be interested in participating in the reading to dogs program, please sign up online through this link. If you would like to sign up as a group with friends or neighbors, the more the merrier! 

Reading is Fundamental

It is widely known that reading is a critical building block for the development of children in all areas of life and school. Reading aloud increases those benefits and reading to dogs compounds those benefits even further. 

An Increase in Reading Ability

Differing levels of reading ability in the classroom can sometimes undermine a child’s confidence. Self confidence is critically important in the growth of a child and can set them up for success across the board. Dogs are a non-judgemental audience for a new or young reader and allow the child the freedom to make and correct their own mistakes without criticism. 

Reading aloud without the fear of embarrassment reduces the stress associated with a child’s reading ability and can raise a child’s self esteem. Less stress around reading will encourage a more healthy relationship with reading and can set the stage for a lifelong reading habit.

Summer Activities for Kids

Encourage A Love of Reading

A love of reading sets up children for more than just academic success. In addition to increasing comprehension, pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary skills, children who read aloud often are also building strong neural pathways in their brains which in-turn help develop a strong memory and increase the ability to recall information quickly. These skills have far reaching benefits in all areas of educational and social growth. It’s science!

Reading aloud can also improve your child’s public speaking skills and their confidence in expressing themselves in front of others. The ability to communicate effectively is vital for the mental and emotional health of children. Kids who have good reading habits often show improved writing skills as well, which is another important factor in being able to communicate successfully.

How to Encourage Your Child to Read More

With all the benefits of reading, now the only challenge is how to help your child do more of it. What better way is there to encourage a love of reading and reap all those benefits for your child than to sign them up for a reading to dogs event with DPA? An adorable, loveable, and furry pup who soaks up every word is a great audience and might just improve your child’s attitude towards reading.

What’s Good for the Kiddo Is Good for the Doggo

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In addition to the educational advantages, reading to dogs can also help develop empathy and compassion in young children. These traits are important in the social development of kids and can be paid forward in all areas of their lives by increasing their understanding of others and helping them learn about patience, compassion and kindness.

By reading to dogs, children gain independence, important comprehension and communications skills, and a belief in their own abilities. The benefit to the foster dogs is critical socialization time as well as increased exposure to the general public which in turn increases their chances of adoption and writing a storybook ending of their own.

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