A Meaningful Pet Memorial That Makes A Difference For Foster Animals

pet memoria;

There is a profound and lasting connection between humans and our four-legged friends. That
unbreakable bond is not lessened when the heart-wrenching moment comes and our beloved
pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge without us. We can be left feeling lonely, distraught, hopeless, empty and may struggle to find an appropriate pet memorial.

Of course our pets live on in our hearts, memories, and photographs. We can distribute their
ashes in a meaningful way or keep them with us. Sometimes we create a pet memorial in our
yard or garden to honor their memory and acknowledge their impact on our lives.

But what if there was a way to publicly commemorate your adoration for your treasured dog,
precious cat, or any other variety of pet who brightened your every day?

What if there was a pet memorial you could visit where your pet is lovingly remembered AND
that space is also somewhere ALL pets are celebrated, loved, and cared for?

What if that pet memorial also provided life-saving medical care, a safe place to stay, a warm
bed, a full bowl, a second chance, or a forever home for foster animals in need?

Create a Pet Memorial

At DPA, we celebrate the connection between families and their pets. We strive to help create
and preserve those bonds every day by bringing pets and people together through rescue and
adoption. We understand the pain of losing a companion pet who brought us or our family so
much joy. And we also understand the need to find meaning in that loss. While we can’t always
explain why these things may happen, we can help you create a meaningful pet memorial for
your cherished friend at our Adoption Container powered by CUDDLY adjacent to the
Community Beer Co.

“We don’t have a pet our whole life, but a pet can make our life whole”

September is Pet Memorial Month and we are creating a beautiful rainbow staircase to honor
the memory of the pets we will never forget. By purchasing a customized engraved plaque on
our Rainbow Steps, you not only celebrate the life of your furry friend, but you can also help
others find their unforgettable pet. Every pet memorial sold will support foster animals in our care
and give them every chance to find a family to adore them their whole life long. Each
dedication also helps the animals we have yet to save through our Dogs Matter, New Digs, and
PASS programs.


This month, we said goodbye to our DPA! fospice dog, Baloo, who had been fighting metastatic
cancer. In April 2023, Baloo arrived at the Mesquite Animal Shelter as a stray and was
overlooked for over 7 months with no record of whether he had a family looking for him.
Thanks to the shelter staff and volunteer advocates, a foster stepped up, and we welcomed
Baloo into the DPA! Family where he spent 504 days in a loving foster home. He enjoyed
snuggling with his humans and followed them everywhere. He craved a good back scratch and
always took his yellow ball along, especially on the walks he enjoyed so much.

Create a pet memorial at the DPA Adoption Container at CBC

We’re incredibly grateful to Baloo’s foster family for their love and dedication, and we honor him this Pet
Memorial Month.

Your gift in memory of your beloved furry friend will go straight to work helping homeless pets across
North Texas. Every dollar keeps pets out of over-crowded shelters where their medical needs
are not met and they are at risk to be euthanized. You can help save the next Baloo.

rainbow steps

To create a pet memorial for your special furry friends, please email or to purchase your step visit here.

Full-Step Memorial — $2,000 Half-Step Memorial — $1,000 Quarter-Step Memorial — $500

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